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Assignment due dates can be found in the CALENDAR, please review these. In addition, I will post reminders prior to the due dates in the ANNOUNCEMENTS.



Each week you will need to complete the following:

  • Read the weekly lesson. This will be available every Monday at noon CST until the following

  • Monday at noon CST.

  • Post in the weekly Discussion Forum by Thursday at noon CST.

  • Complete the lesson assignments in each course lesson by the following Monday at noon CST.

  • Take the weekly self-assessment by the following Monday at noon CST.

This course is eight (6) weeks long. Each week ends on Sunday at 11:59 p.m. (CST). You must complete the course, including the assignments for all six weeks, for certification. This includes the completion of your final presentation.

Participants will:

Attend a Zoom session on Tuesday and Thursday, 6 pm - 8 pm, if they do not complete the online assignments. Complete all online assignments (e.g., reading, discussions, learning activities).

Complete assessments or self-assessments.

Make a final presentation and submit a course evaluation.

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