Our Online Training
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We offer a Revenue Cycle Billing Operations Course combining our four (4) classes on revenue cycle billing operations basics, registration, insurance, and process for the price of one at Four Hundred Ninety-Five ($495.00) dollars!
Have a prior knowledge of the Revenue Cycle Billings Process and only want a refresher course?
Then, you may be interested in taking one of our classes below separately for One Hundred Twenty-Nine ($129.00) dollars.
Only interested in learning about Medicare?
We offer Medicare and You sessions, which are completely FREE and at NO COST to you!
Revenue Cycle Billing Operations
495 US dollars
Classes and Sessions
All of the classes below can be taken separately or combined together in our Revenue Cycle Billing Operations Course. We also offer Medicare and You sessions throughout the year, which are completely free and at no cost to you!
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150 US dollarsEnded
495 US dollarsLoading days...
495 US dollarsEnded
129 US dollarsIntroduction to Medical Ethics and Medical Practice Management Structure.
129 US dollarsRead the COURSE OVERVIEW and COURSE INFORMATION pages before booking!
495 US dollarsEnded
129 US dollarsEnded
129 US dollarsLoading days...
129 US dollarsRead the COURSE OVERVIEW and COURSE INFORMATION pages before booking!
495 US dollarsEnded
129 US dollarsIntroduction to Medical Ethics and Medical Practice Management Structure.
129 US dollarsEnded
129 US dollarsRead the COURSE OVERVIEW and COURSE INFORMATION pages before booking!
459 US dollarsEnded
129 US dollarsIntroduction to Basic Ethics and Laws of Practice Management Structure.
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129 US dollarsEnded
129 US dollars